Coach Amy
My name is Amy and I am a very proud member Team BFF!
I am humbled to be working with such an amazing group of coaches, and even more amazing humans!
Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
My desire to help people live their best, healthiest lives dates back to when I became a physical therapist. We’re talking the late 90’s! The last 10 years of my PT career was spent in the area of cancer rehabilitation. I was inspired daily by the people I worked with. They were determined to live their best, healthiest, strongest lives despite going through a life-changing time, often times fighting an uphill battle and not giving up.
Through the ups and downs of my own life, raising two kids, working on relationships, and having a crazy busy schedule, I put myself last and my health suffered. I’ve been through so many “diet plans” and “quick fixes” that I truly felt defeated and confused.
Even with my healthcare background, I struggled with how to put it all together. When I decided to make myself a priority, I decided to get some guidance and accountability. I hired an online health & fitness coach in 2018 and I have never looked back.
Fast forward to today, I am in the best shape/health of my life! I lost 30 pounds, I lift heavy weights a few times a week, I eat salads and cookies and vegetables and French fries. My energy is boundless and I feel healthy and strong!
The sensible and sustainable changes that I made in my life, both physical and mindset, inspired me to pay it forward & become a coach myself. If I can do it, so can you... I am so ready to help you do the same!
Let’s go!
Physical Therapist
Cancer Exercise Specialist
Certified Health Mindset Coach
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification