We Can Do Hard Things
This post is for anyone struggling with anything in life.
Whether it be addiction, anxiety, depression, binge eating, emotional eating, grief, trauma or just anything
Know that it won’t last forever.
You will be ok
It will be really hard
You may feel hopeless.
You may feel like you will never get through it
I promise you will.
You have to be willing to surrender and do the work that needs to be done to get you to where you want to be.
I was a full blown alcoholic.
I drank almost 2 bottles of wine a night at one point.
I would hide alcohol from my husband.
I was very sick.
One day I decided enough was enough.
Walked into an AA meeting and went everyday for a year.
It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
Now I’m a Coach
Helping others is one of the best gifts and I am truly the happiest I ever thought I could be.
I look back and think WOW.. I changed my life.
I did it
You can too
Love, Coach Beth